Learning Data Manipulation Language (DML) in SQL is crucial for anyone working with databases, as it provides the ability to interact with and modify data effectively. DML commands such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE allow users to add new records, update existing ones, or remove unwanted data from tables.
Understanding DML is essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring the accuracy and consistency of information within the database. Furthermore, DML proficiency is fundamental for data transformation and data cleansing tasks, enabling users to manipulate data to meet specific requirements or standards.
- Create a table with data manipulation language
- Insert data into a table
- Update data in rows and columns
- Merge tables
- Delete data from table
CREATE table
statement, though typically associated with DDL, merits inclusion here due to its close association with DML operations.
It guides the action: If the table tutorial.personnel does not exist, then create a new one; If the table exists, then update it. Then we need to declare the table’s Schema, which contains column name and data type.
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE tutorial.personnel ( name STRING, age INT64, salary FLOAT64, is_Male BOOLEAN );
Field name | Type | Mode |
salary | FLOAT | NULLABLE |
INSERT INTO tutorial.personnel(name, age, salary, is_male) VALUES ('John', 30, 50000.00, True), ('Alice', 25, 60000.00,False), ('Bob', 35, NULL,True), ('Emma', NULL, 70000.00,True), (NULL, 28, 55000.00,True), ('Michael', 40, NULL,False), ('Sara', 33, 65000.00,False), (NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL), ('David', 45, 75000.00,True), ('Sophia', 27, 58000.00,False); #This statement added 10 rows to personnel.
Row | name | age | salary | is_Male |
1 | null | null | null | null |
2 | Sara | 33 | 65000.0 | false |
3 | Michael | 40 | null | false |
4 | Sophia | 27 | 58000.0 | false |
5 | Alice | 25 | 60000.0 | false |
6 | John | 30 | 50000.0 | true |
7 | null | 28 | 55000.0 | true |
8 | Bob | 35 | null | true |
9 | David | 45 | 75000.0 | true |
10 | Emma | null | 70000.0 | true |
You also can combine the WITH
clause with INSERT SELECT
. For example
# create a new table called fruit CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE tutorial.personnel ( fruit_name STRING, quantity INT64 ); # insert data with WITH clause INSERT tutorial.fruit (fruit_name, quantity) WITH fruit_shop AS ( SELECT ARRAY<STRUCT<fruit_name string, quantity integer>> [('#1 Apple', 500), ('#2 Ananas', 300), ('#3 Grape', 1000), ('#4 Banana', 800) ] col ) SELECT fruit_name, quantity FROM fruit_shop, UNNEST(fruit_shop.col)
Row | fruit_name | quantity |
1 | #3 Grape | 1000 |
2 | #1 Apple | 500 |
3 | #4 Banana | 800 |
4 | #2 Ananas | 300 |
UPDATE table
We can use UPDATE
to update data in a row, in column or the column itself based on specific conditions. That’s why UPDATE
always combines with SET
Update data in column
Let’s review the personnel table. In the 3rd row, Michael is identified as a man, yet the ‘is_male’ column is marked as false. Conversely, in the 10th row, Emma is recognized as a woman, yet the ‘is_male’ column is set to true. We must correct these discrepancies.
UPDATE instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel SET is_male = True WHERE name = 'Michael'; UPDATE instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel SET is_male = FALSE WHERE name = 'Emma'; # verify the result SELECT name, is_male FROM `instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel` WHERE name IN ('Michael','Emma');
Row | name | is_male |
1 | Emma | false |
2 | Michael | true |
Update data in row
We noticed that the first row has no values. We can update information in this row.
UPDATE `instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel` SET name = 'Ivy', age = 25, salary = 60000, is_Male = False WHERE name is NULL and age is NULL; # specify the conditions # check the result SELECT * FROM `instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel` WHERE name = 'Ivy'
Row | name | age | salary | is_Male |
1 | Ivy | 25 | 60000.0 | false |
MERGE table
statement is a DML statement that can combine INSERT
, and DELETE
operations into a single statement and perform the operations atomically.
MERGE tutorial.personnel AS target USING ( SELECT name, age, IFNULL(salary, 10000.00) AS salary, # Use default salary of 10000 if salary is NULL is_male FROM tutorial.personnel ) AS source ON target.name = source.name AND target.age IS NOT NULL WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET salary = source.salary;
Row | name | age | salary | is_Male |
6 | Michael | 40 | 10000.0 | true |
7 | Bob | 35 | 10000.0 | true |
DELETE data from table
You can delete rows based on specific conditions with DELETE clause. You need to declare the condition, too.
1. For example, I want to delete rows that salary is under 20000.
DELETE `instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel` WHERE salary < 20000
Row | name | age | salary | is_Male |
1 | Emma | null | 70000.0 | false |
2 | Alice | 25 | 60000.0 | false |
3 | Ivy | 25 | 60000.0 | false |
4 | Sophia | 27 | 58000.0 | false |
5 | Sara | 33 | 65000.0 | false |
6 | null | 28 | 55000.0 | true |
7 | John | 30 | 50000.0 | true |
8 | David | 45 | 75000.0 | true |
2. What if I want to remove all rows containing missing value( null)?
DELETE `instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel` WHERE name IS NULL OR salary IS NULL OR age IS NULL
Row | name | age | salary | is_Male |
1 | Ivy | 25 | 60000.0 | false |
2 | Alice | 25 | 60000.0 | false |
3 | Sophia | 27 | 58000.0 | false |
4 | Sara | 33 | 65000.0 | false |
5 | John | 30 | 50000.0 | true |
6 | David | 45 | 75000.0 | true |
3. Remove all rows
If you want to remove all rows in a table, you can use TRUNCATE TABLE
statement removes all rows from a table but leaves the table metadata intact, including the table schema, description, and labels.
TRUNCATE TABLE `instruction-415216.tutorial.personnel`
- If you check the preview, it shows that there is no data to display.
- If you check the Schema, it still remains.