What is Redis?
Redis, short for Remote Dictionary Server, can work as database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine...
How to Install Redis?
You will learn how to install Redis on Windows and Mac, and learn how to start server, connect, verify and...
Redis Data Type : String
You will learn how to create, update, retrieve and delete strings and numeric values in Redis in this tutorial...
Redis Data Type : List
You will learn how to add items, retrieve, insert and delete items from Redis List...
Redis Data Type : Set & Sorted Sets
You will understand the meaning of set and Sorted Sets in Redis and learn how to add, retrieve, update and...
Redis Data Type : Hashes
Redis hashes are record types structured as collections of field-value pairs.You will learn how to create and process hashes...
Redis Data Type : Streams
A Redis stream presents itself as a versatile data structure resembling an append-only log but with added functionalities to surpass...
Redis HyperlogLog
HyperLogLog, a probabilistic data structure, is designed for efficiently estimating the cardinality of sets...
Redis Pub/Sub
Pub/Sub in Redis is lightweight, fast, and operates asynchronously. It's often used for real-time messaging, chat applications, notifications, and broadcasting...
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