In addition to utilizing Mongo Compass or Mongo Shell, another effective means of interacting with MongoDB is through the use of Drivers.In this article, I will show you how to connect MongoDB with python and interact with the database.
Step 1: Install the pymongo package
pip3 install pymongo
Step 2: Build the connection in Python
Firstly, we need to load the pymongo
libaray and then we will build a connection with MongoClient()
After that, we need to refer the database and collection that we will use.
from pymongo import MongoClient # load the library
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/') # build the connection
db = # refer the database
personnel = db.personnel # refer the collection
Step 3: Interact with Database using Python
We can use the pythonic method to interact the database.
Example 1: select only name and age of each document
# select only name and age of each document
for person in personnel.find({},{'name':1,'age':1}):
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c4'), 'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 30}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c5'), 'name': 'Jane Smith', 'age': 28}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c6'), 'name': 'Michael Johnson', 'age': 35}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c7'), 'name': 'Emily Brown', 'age': 32}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c8'), 'name': 'David Wilson', 'age': 40}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c9'), 'name': 'Sarah Lee', 'age': 27}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21ca'), 'name': 'Alex Garcia', 'age': 34}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21cb'), 'name': 'Michelle Martinez', 'age': 31}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21cc'), 'name': 'Daniel Thompson', 'age': 29}
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21cd'), 'name': 'Amanda Hall', 'age': 33}
Example 2: find documents whose salary is greater than 68000
# find documents whose salary is greater than 68000
print([p for p in personnel.find({'salary':{'$gt':68000}})])
[{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c6'), 'name': 'Michael Johnson', 'age': 35, 'working_experience': 8, 'department': 'Finance', 'salary': 70000, 'skills': ['Accounting', 'Financial Analysis', 'Excel']},
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21c8'), 'name': 'David Wilson', 'age': 40, 'working_experience': 12, 'department': 'Operations', 'salary': 75000, 'skills': ['Project Management', 'Supply Chain', 'Lean Six Sigma']},
{'_id': ObjectId('66053f848ccb6407b4ba21cd'), 'name': 'Amanda Hall', 'age': 33, 'working_experience': 9, 'department': 'Quality Assurance', 'salary': 69000, 'skills': ['Testing', 'Bug Tracking', 'Automation']}]
Example 3: Use Pipeline to write complex query and group data
from bson.son import SON
pipeline = [
"$group":{ #group data by deparment
"_id": "$department",
"meanSalary": {"$avg": "$salary"} #calculate the avg salary
"$sort": SON([("meanSalary",-1)]) # sort data by meanSalry in DESC
results = personnel.aggregate(pipeline)
for result in results:
{'_id': 'Operations', 'meanSalary': 75000.0}
{'_id': 'Finance', 'meanSalary': 70000.0}
{'_id': 'Quality Assurance', 'meanSalary': 69000.0}
{'_id': 'Sales', 'meanSalary': 67000.0}
{'_id': 'Research and Development', 'meanSalary': 63000.0}
{'_id': 'Human Resources', 'meanSalary': 62000.0}
{'_id': 'Engineering', 'meanSalary': 60000.0}
{'_id': 'Product Management', 'meanSalary': 58000.0}
{'_id': 'Marketing', 'meanSalary': 55000.0}
{'_id': 'Customer Support', 'meanSalary': 50000.0}