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Create Cloud Storage with Terraform on Google Cloud


  • Understand the terraform{} block
  • Understand the provider{} block
  • Understand the resource{} block
  • Know how to activate Cloud Shell
  • Know how to create directory and file
  • Know to create a cloud storage bucket with Terraform on GCP


  • Google Cloud Account


  1. Login and activate the Google Cloud command line console.
  2. Create a directory named ‘ terraform’ and enter in.
  3. Create a file named ‘’ and enter the editor mode.
  4. Write the configuration file.
  5. Check and apply the file( in terminal ).
  6. Check the result in (user interface).


terraform {
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source = "hashicorp/google"
      version = "3.5.0"

provider "google" {

  project = "PROJECT ID"  #replace to your project id
  region  = "REGION"      #replae to your region
  zone    = "ZONE"        #replace to your zone

resource "google_storage_bucket" "static" {
 name          = "BUCKET_NAME"  # give your unique bucket name
 location      = "US"
 storage_class = "STANDARD"
