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#6 PySpark SQL Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to make business insights with SQL statement in PySpark


1. Create a SparkSession

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('tutorial').getOrCreate()

2. Load and show dataset

# read dataset and show the header
df ='header','true').csv('')
# check schema

# show data

3. Add a new column names ‘Sales’

# create a new column names Sales. Sales = Quantity * UnitPrice

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, round
df = df.withColumn('Sales',col('Quantity') * col('UnitPrice'))
df = df.withColumn('Sales', round(col('Sales'),2))

4. Register the dataset into SQL

To execute SQL queries on the DataFrame in Spark, you need to register the dataset as a temporary view in Spark’s SQL context.

# register the dataset into sql 

Use SQL statement to find insights

Question 1: How many unique orders are there in the dataset?

# how many unique orders are there in the dataset?
     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT InvoiceNo) as counts_of_distinct_order
    FROM df

Question 2: Find out the start date and end date of the dataset

# find the min and max of InvoiceDate

Question 3: What is the total sales in the dataset?

# how many unique orders are there in the dataset?
    SELECT SUM(Sales) AS total_sales
    FROM df

Question 4: Who are the top 10 best customers?

Hint: who spent the most money?

# The top 10 customers who spend the most.
          SELECT CustomerID, SUM(Sales) as sales
          FROM df
          GROUP BY CustomerID
          ORDER BY Sales DESC
          LIMIT 11

Question 5: How many unique customers are there in each country?

          SELECT Country, COUNT(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS number_of_customer
          FROM df
          GROUP BY Country
          ORDER BY number_of_customer DESC

Question 6: How many unique purchases made by each customer in Germany?

# how many purchases made by each customer in Germany?

          SELECT CustomerId, COUNT(DISTINCT InvoiceNo) AS number_of_purchase
          FROM df
          WHERE Country = 'Germany'
          GROUP BY CustomerId
          ORDER BY number_of_purchase DESC

Question 7: What is the purchase frequency in Germany?

tmp = spark.sql('''
          SELECT CustomerId, COUNT(DISTINCT InvoiceNo) AS number_of_purchase
          FROM df
          WHERE Country = 'Germany'
          GROUP BY CustomerId
          ORDER BY number_of_purchase DESC


Question 8: How about the sales per customer in each country?

# how many purchases made by each customer in Germany?

          SELECT Country, Sum(Sales) AS total_revenue, Count(DISTINCT CustomerID) AS no_of_customers,total_revenue/no_of_customers  AS sales_per_customer
          FROM df
          GROUP BY Country
          ORDER BY sales_per_customer DESC

Question 9: What is the best-selling product in each country?

spark.sql('''SELECT Country, StockCode, Description, counts
    SELECT Country, StockCode, Description, counts,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Country ORDER BY counts DESC) AS row_num
    FROM (
        SELECT Country, StockCode, Description, COUNT(StockCode) AS counts
        FROM df
        GROUP BY Country, StockCode, Description
    ) temp
) temp2
WHERE row_num = 1